Welcome to Starcube Labs!
Welcome to the Starcube Labs blog! We’re glad you’re here! We’re a group of friends who enjoy the art of game development and all of the skills associated with it. We set up this blog to have a place to document the things we learn as we go! Our group could be considered pretty close to professional, with a few indie store releases under individual members’ belts. As a group we have a pretty healthy interest in Programming, Art, VFX, and general Game Design, so you can expect to see blog posts from us in that vein. Hopefully you’ll enjoy learning with us as we go!
Here are some quick facts about us!
Wait, what’s a Starcube and why is it a lab?
- It’s just a name that sounds nice! That said we also like honing our development skills, so we’re a “lab” in that we like figuring stuff out. We’re not really a company or any type of associated business group, so “lab” really accentuates our collaborative nature.
So, why a blog then?
- Well, so we have a place to put discoveries and pet projects! A Discord starred list is not an ideal storage spot.
Game Development? Have you guys ever even made games before?
- Actually, yes! Between all of our individual members we’ve probably been heavily involved in well past 50 finished games over at least the last 8 years with at least 4 of those releases being professional indie games, as a conservative estimate. That includes AA and AAA experience along with Game Modding projects for example.
You guys are covering a lot of topics. Any reason for that?
- It’s actually because of the diversity in skillsets between all of our members! What you’ll hear about on any given day is heavily influenced by who is writing the article.
So, what’s the main thing you’re going to write about? Game analysis and production breakdowns? Opinions on the state of the dev scene? Or practical stuff like tutorials?
- All of the above! Probably. Stay tuned on that.
The hope is that this blog eventually becomes useful for at least someone! So please look forward to more posts from us soon. See you around!
~ Team Starcube